5 Tips To Make Your Home Smell Fresh And Clean Again.

5 Tips To Make Your Home Smell Fresh And Clean Again.

Almost everyone is worried they have a smelly home, but every home has a unique scent. I love a great smelling home, so here are 5 tips to get your home smelling fresh and clean again.

Give Everything A Good Dust

Dust is a mixture of many things like bacteria, dead skin cells and crumbs, so of course these won’t smell great piling up in the corners of rooms.

Giving everything a quick dust and wiping away with a scented disinfectant will clean the area properly while leaving a lovely smell behind.

Use Wax Melts & Scented Candles

Wax melts and candles are a quick fix to bad smells, but are great for setting a mood and filling your home with your favourite scents. 

This makes candles and wax melts great for covering up smells that linger for a while, like after cooking or unpleasant bathroom smells. These smells will go away themselves but can take hours to dissipate, so melting a wax melt or candle will help cover any bad smells that need to be gone fast.

Carpet Sprinkle

Carpet Sprinkle is a great fix for getting odours out of carpets, rugs, beds and couches. Its main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate, which helps absorb odours and eliminate them.

Most carpet fresheners and sprinkles have fragrance in them too, so once you’ve sprinkled it on what you want to clean and freshen up, you leave it for 15-20 minutes to fully absorb the odours then hoover up.

Its scent will be left behind and depending on the quality of carpet sprinkle you use, the scent can last for hours. 

Open Windows

Opening your windows is the best way to get fresh air into your home and help circulate that bad smelling air out of your house.

Even having your windows open for 5 minutes is enough to get new air circulating into your home. 

Get fresh flowers and plants in your home

Fresh flowers are a great way to bring in naturally strong and beautiful smelling scents into your home, but can be really hard to find in the colder months.

Live plants are also a great way to fragrance your home while helping with air purification, as they can eliminate bad odours, but they can be hard to keep alive.

Fresh air and a good clean and dust will help eliminate odours, but to have a great smelling home, that’s all down to personal opinion, so scented candles and wax melts are great to add that finishing touch to your house and really make it your home with your favourite scents.

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